Original Description from the 7th Sea Website:
The open waves run red with blood as the 7th Sea CCG continues. Berek is gone, drowned by Captain Reis, but the Sea Dogs find a new captain in Bloody Bonnie McGee, who leads them on a quest for vengeance against his killer. McCormick’s Explorers cross swords with the dreaded Corsairs as Jorund Guttormson plots a black betrayal of the Vesten Raiders. Admiral Orduno continues his fight to free Castille from the invading Montaigne, while the General learns that money cannot erase ties of loyalty. The fate witch Alesio sets the Hanged Man on a new course, but to destroy it or save it, even she cannot say. And from the darkest corner of the ocean come rumors of a vessel long forgotten—a vessel said to be guided by the hands of the dead…
Details : 161 cards with starter decks for Crimson Rogers and Sea Dogs