No Quarter

In the Year of the Prophet 1668

   My Lord Empereur Léon Alexandre XIV,

   Regarding your recent request for an update to our efforts to stifle piratical activity in our oceans, I send this summary.

   The Avalon pirate Rollins has been captured, tried and hanged while his crew were sent to the prison on Footprint Island. The other Avalon pirate - the despicable dog, Berek, has eluded our grasp for the moment. We quite nearly captured him in the bay of a small island in the southern seas, but his luck remains sure. I never thought I would say this, but there is something to be said for the Avalon sorcery they call Glamour. Fear not, my Empereur, it shall not save him next time we meet.

   As to the Brotherhood of the Coast, I surveyed their island off the coast of Castille and find no feasible means of assault. As you know, the island was once a prison, designed to keep criminals in and those seeking to rescue them out. It would require many more ships than I have at the moment - a small price to pay for putting an end to Allende, the man they call "the Pirate King". It is said the man also has a Vodacce witch aboard, which presents its own problems. However, my spy reports that there may be a solution to that particular problem.

   I have also gained a glimpse of the Crimson Roger. All the stories are true, my Empereur; Captain Reis paints his ship blood red. We engaged in a short volley, but the bloody ship's gunners were far too skilled and we were forced to retreat. I saw Reis through the spyglass, his grim face set in a scowl and his grip twisted tightly around his famous scythe. He is indeed a sight. We shall need to use all out resources to capture that ship, although, I think Reis may see his own heart ripped out of his chest before he lets that happen.

   As to our neighbour to the south - the Castillians - their own Admiral Orduño also seeks to put an end to piracy on the Seas. I have spoken with him briefly, and I do believe we may be able to pool our resources to meet our mutual goal. A strange note: his wife serves on the ship alongside him. She is a stunning beauty, a sight that I never expected to see on a navy ship. Orduño himself seems a skilled navy man, far more resourceful than his predecessor.

   My Empereur may also wish to know that a ship from the Explorers' Society also sails the waves. The captain assured me he was not seeking plunder, but seeking instead to put an end to the pirating of ancient Syrneth ruins. The man impressed me as honourable and honest. He said he was a McCormick, and I recognised the name. Long ago, a woman named McCormick set sail for the Seventh Sea and never returned. I saw the man's wedding ring, and wondered if there was a connection. He said nothing and I didn't ask.

   We have found a few allies on the waves, my Lord. Our purpose may see fruition. Until that day, I remain your humble serv...

   Cannons fired, the ship shuddered and the General's hand spilled ink over the pages of his letter. He shouted a curse that would make a Vodacce courtesan blush and rushed out of the door of his cabin to the deck.

   "What in the name of the Prophets is going on?" he demanded.

   The crew looked at him, their eyes wide with confusion.

   The General, realising he had spoken in his native Eisen, changed his tone and language and asked again.

   The Montaigne crewmen nodded and replied. "Pirates off the starboard rail, sir!" they shouted.

   He looked up at the ship off the starboard bow as a grin formed on his lips. "Allende..." he whispered. Then, he spun around, turning to his gunners. "Gentlemen, aim for the stern. And if you see a raven-haired woman," the General's grin turned into a wide smile, "fire with impunity."